Welcome to Eyes Beyond The Torchlight

EYES BEYOND THE TORCHLIGHT has joined The ChaosGrenade library!

Originally written by Scott Myers, I have recently acquired the rights to publish and maintain this really awesome fantasy RPG. My long-term goal is simply to keep it available, updated and supported for fans both new and old.

EBTT captures the vibe of classic adventure role-playing but meshes it with an easy, fast-paced modern system. Characters are built off four stats, ancestries, backgrounds, archetypes, edges and hindrances. From there, advancement is open so you can carve out the adventurer you’ve wanted.

The Short-Term Plan: Make revisions, tweaks and edits. Update the Target 12 SRD and licensing. Get the revised version up on various POD platforms.

The Long-Term Plan: Supplemental zines, a Game Jam, getting the word out and overhauling the Target 12 SRD as its own generic toolkit.

If you like games in the style of *ICRPG, Savage Worlds, BareBones Fantasy” or any flavor of “the world’s most famous RPG” – you should give this one a shot!


EBTT - Original Core 38 MB
4 days ago
EBTT_Character_Sheet_Form_Fillable_v2.pdf 334 kB
4 days ago

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